Tuesday, May 26, 2009


there was life in an egg, life encapsulated,
shielded and protected from harsh realities
and endearing beauties
but life cannot be forever encased, for it then ceases to be life
for life feeds on freedom,lives on liberty
life breeds on decisions,spawning more life or creating monsters.
life,seeking to increase its experience
to enhance its scope of existence
broke out of its shell, crawled out into a new world

the warm,bright sunlight on its rippling back,
the vast expanse of gren,green grass -true freedom
but life did not fail to notice,lurking in the shadows
hostile lives,predators,life which feeds off other lives.

life was happy and carefree
the field,its new home,offered more than its previous home -the shell
life rejoiced in living,
life gloried in the sunshine,was glad when it rained
life met more life like itself
and by learning more about other life,
life learnt more about itself

life was content
until the day it looked upwards, and beheld the vast blue sky
life then realised that there was a higher scope of existence
it noticed the celestial creatures, graceful and delicate,
exquisitely beautiful which lived therein
life decided to join them.
by forsaking the here and now for the then and after,
life gave up its new found freedom-
the happiness,the warm sunlight and the refreshing rains it was so familiar with
life gave up even sojourn with other lives
that which was free decided to give up its freedom
in search of a higher freedom.
life decided to pay the price
enduring encapsulation
life travailed in agony
until one day the shells fell off
and life sprung into a new world
a celestial creature,graceful and delicate
exquisitely beautiful,
a new being
to dance on the wind, and to share its life with the living.

Monday, May 25, 2009

What is mysticism?
noun [U]
the belief that there is hidden meaning in life or that each human being can unite with God

mystic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic
noun [C]
someone who attempts to be united with God through prayer

Cambridge Dictionaries Online

mys·ti·cism           Listen to the pronunciation of mysticism
1: the experience of mystical union or direct communion with ultimate reality reported by mystics2: the belief that direct knowledge of God, spiritual truth, or ultimate reality can be attained through subjective experience (as intuition or insight)

who is a christian mystic? well, here are a few definitions that will clarify things a little.

noun [C]
someone who attempts to be united with God through prayer
a mystic can be said to be a person who practises or believes in mysticism, as defined below.

noun [U]
the belief that there is hidden meaning in life or that each human being can unite with God

1: the experience of mystical union or direct communion with ultimate reality reported by mystics2: the belief that direct knowledge of God, spiritual truth, or ultimate reality can be attained through subjective experience (as intuition or insight)


A christian, obviously, is one who follows the teachings of Christ Jesus. i know the word mystic is laden with occult connotations, but as the definitions above show, mysticism is not always occult by nature. In fact, all true Christians are mystics, but not all mystics are Christians.

In the bible, it is evident that God communicates to people through various means. in fact, the various authors of the bible take this as a basic assumption: that it is common knowledge to all that God exists, and that anyone can establish a direct, one on one relationship with him.
mystical experiences in the bible are numerous and varying in intensity, significance and purpose.
From the remarkable story of Enoch,who walked with God and was seen no more, to the story of Stephen,the first martyr, we see a common thread that connects all the great heroes of faith.This uniting factor is the reality of God manifesting himself to the world through them all,as he still wishes to do with us today.Christian mysticism,though hinted at strongly in the old testament,comes into full disclosure in the new testament through the person of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ was the greatest mystic of them all, as is evident in the four gospels, especially in the gospel of john.He speaks of oneness with the father with surprising ease,for example in john 10:30 making it so easy for one to overlook the impact of his statements, but what profound statements they are!! Indeed, Jesus Christ is the very essence of God personified (phil 2:5-7,col 1:19), and the bible clearly states that He indwells all who receive him( john 15:4-7,rev 3:20) and so,God,in Christ Jesus,dwells in us(see gal 2:20).we therefore have to seek out the presence of God in our everyday lives, seeking to come into communion with him continually, that he, in turn, will manifest himself more and more in our lives, making us fountains of life-giving waters in a dry and parched world